Try to do as many circuits as possible in 15 or 20 minutes. Remember to perform an active warm-up before you begin. (Click here for a good active Firefighter workout warm-up routine.) Do the suggested reps of each exercise then proceed to the next, rest as little as possible between exercises.
- Burpees x 10 reps
- Pull-ups or Body Rows x 10 reps
- Prisoner Lunges x 5 reps per leg
- Squat to Press (around 20% body weight) x 10 reps
- Feet on Stability Ball (or bench) Push ups x 10 reps
- Plank (hold) for 30 seconds
Click on the video below for more instructions...
To help you eat a healthy during the holidays try to incorporate these Holiday Eating Guidelines...
-Always drink water, it will help fill your belly and aid in digestion
-Load up on vegetables not desserts (or sugars)
-Eat leaner proteins
-Avoid seconds
-Don't graze around the appetizer table
-If you really overeat, consider fasting for 14-16 hours after
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY....Remember the true meaning of the Holidays, be safe, be happy and enjoy family and friends. On that note, Thank You for being a member of the FRF Nation, I wish you a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving (and Holiday) weekend.
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Aaron Zamzow